Tell your brother that If the Fairtax would have been law last year he would 
not have been forced to with hold anything from his peoples pay and he could 
retrain the IRS tax person that is sponging his business right in his office, 
out of business.
His employees would have receive a prebate for about $2300.00 last year and 
more and he would not have any income and self employment tax at all.
   I can't understand why Americans and especially business owners don't know 
about the Fairtax Bill H.R.25.
Can you ask him to answer this question and reply to this email.
Ask him if he did not with hold from pay what would his people do?
Larry Fairtax Melton
In a message dated 1/4/2009 12:36:36 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

This letter is so close to the truth.  My brother is in this same position.  
He has lived, breathed, and eaten his business.  Just when his family was 
beginning to enjoy the profits, along comes big government and his taxes are 
astronomical!  I could live for a year on what he has to pay on a quarterly 
And because taxes are going up, he has had to fire people and go back to full 
time work at the office (note I said at the office; even when he is visiting 
us here in MO he is on the phone daily) to keep the business running.  This is 
literally killing him.  Many of these people that work for him have been with 
him a long time.  He is keeping them as long as possible and they do 
understand the need to work longer hours for less pay as they did it when the 
was growing.  But he doesn’t know how long they will be able to keep it up. 
The small businessmen is going to go under.  When they do, Corporate America 
will take over.  Socialism here we come… 
Cathy M 
Catren's Shar Pei 
Catren's Leather Show Accessories

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