Friends of ALIPAC, 

It takes a great deal to get my blood pressure up these days after all of the 
horror I've witnessed due to illegal immigration and the fact our own 
government has been hijacked at the top! 

But today, I ask you to watch and listen carefully and understand what these 
new stories mean for us all. 

First, please do not post or circulate the protest sign that reads "We will 
shoot more police in Arizona till we get free?" We cannot prove that is a fake, 
but several of our supporting activists feel the picture is a hoax and has been 
altered. You can see our full discussions here and make your own determination. 
Our ruling is that the sign is problematic and we cannot document a source, 
therefore it should not be further circulated. 

Sign discussion at this link

With that out of the way, we need to do our best to make sure everyone in 
America knows about and understands what just happened with two stories. 

In California, students wearing clothing with American flags were sent home 
while students wearing Mexican flags were allowed to stay in class. It is my 
strong personal opinion that school administrators sent the Hispanic kids 
wearing American flags home because of the clear and present danger of violence 
against them. 

The next day, many of the Mexican kids walked out to protest the insult they 
felt the kids wearing American flags had delivered by wearing such a "racist" 
symbol as the American flag. 

At another school, a kid is in trouble for tearing down a Mexican flag and we 
are receiving word of another story where someone burned a Mexican flag in or 
near school. 

War may be upon us in our own land and our school children may be on the front 


Story Details at... 
Five Students Wearing U.S. Flag Shirts Sent Home

Mexican flag display causes flap at Klein Collins High

While we try not to put to much in one e-mail, because we know our busy 
supporters will not always read to the end, I hope you are still reading. 

We regret to inform everyone that Hollywood just released a movie into theaters 
on the weekend of Cinco de Mayo that glorifies and encourages illegal aliens to 
take up arms against Americans. 

While some will claim this movie is a spoof, you need to watch the trailer 

The movie is about an illegal alien that gets double crossed after accepting a 
commission to murder an American politician that is driving illegal aliens out 
of our country. 

The protagonists then lead an army of machete and AK-47 wielding illegal aliens 
in a violent uprising. In Central and South America, the machete is a symbol of 
violent revolt. 

Many of us are greatly concerned that the introduction of this propaganda film, 
at this time, with the specific threat against the state of Arizona could 
greatly increase the chances of violent harm against Americans by illegal 

Here is the trailer of the film... 
MACHETE "Illegal" Trailer X HD

Please spread the word far and wide about these items. 

If you would like to comment about any of these items, please do so at ALIPAC 
via this link...


William Gheen 
President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622




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