The nmv-header? problem should have been fixed. What version of Scheme are you 
On Dec 26, 2019, 1:03 PM -0500, David Liu <>, wrote:
> Ah great, applying that patch finally allowed psgo.scm to complete loading 
> successfully, and it popped up three blank windows named g1, g2, and g3, as 
> expected from the source code of psgo.scm from the book's website.
> However, I tried (paint g1 fovnder), where g1 is the window and fovnder is 
> the loaded painter, and it complained that
> "The procedure c-call has been called with 2 arguments; it requires at least 
> 0 arguments. Type D to debug error, Q to quit back to REP loop".
> I typed D but instead of popping up the debugger (as it did when I was 
> debugging a previous issue in this thread), it only echoed at the bottom 
> "Internal error: Unbound variable: nmv-header?". Hence, I will attempt to 
> manually trace out the stack.
> In the "paint" function [1], the offending line is the final one, which in my 
> case evals to (picture-display g1 *the-screen* 0 256). The "picture-display" 
> function is in src/6001/picture.scm, and is quite opaque, and I cannot find 
> any instances of "c-call" anywhere. Any idea what might be the problem here?
> [1] from hend.scm:
> (define (paint window painter)
>   (if (not (graphics-device? window))
>       (error "bad window" window))
>   (set-painter-resolution! 128)
>   (painter (screen-frame))
>   (picture-display window *the-screen* 0 256))

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