openSUSE also have good mingw support and rpms. I see if I have time to play with this. Is it possible to get rid of scons and get this qmake for 1.12? It would be nice just to have pure QT building system.


On 18.05.2013 23:08, Steven Boswell II wrote:
After building an MS Windows installer for Mixxx using the standard instructions, I decided to try getting it to work with MinGW running under Linux. The branch at lp:~ulatekh/mixxx/mingw <https://code.launchpad.net/%7Eulatekh/mixxx/mingw> is the result of my work so far.

The qmake version (i.e. build/qtcreator/mixxx.pro) is a bit clunky, but can be made to work.

Here's my scons command to cross-compile the MS Windows version:

scons ladspa=0 shoutcast=0 hifieq=1 script=0 optimize=0 ffmpeg=0 target=windows crosscompile_root=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw hss1394=0 vamp=0 vinylcontrol=0 hid=0 sqlitedll=0

I haven't built hss1394 for MinGW yet, vinylcontrol and hid depend on phonon (which has heavy dependencies, like KDE :-), and I'm still trying to build a MinGW version of jack-audio-connection-kit -- until then, Mixxx uses DirectSound.

Many of the packages that Mixxx depends on are not in the yum repos. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1179683 for an archive containing .spec files and patches that can be used to transform the standard versions of the dependencies into the MinGW versions. The archive is specific to Fedora Core 18, but I provided enough information to let you adjust my work to your own Linux distribution.

Give it a go, let me know if it works for you!

Longer term, I'm trying to get these dependencies submitted to Fedora, but based on the VERY long list of packages awaiting review, I doubt it'll ever happen. I don't know if we can set up a yum repo on mixxx.org, but that would be one solution.

Steven Boswell

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