git-bzr-ng is the tool I use, but I also rewrite the history to unify
usernames and email addresses.  The script I use to do this is now in
the scripts/ folder.  Luckily the rewrite process is deterministic so
every time I migrate a branch all of the SHAs line up nicely.

On Thu, 2013-06-13 at 07:50 +0200, Daniel Schürmann wrote:
> Hi RJ 
> >> If I understand it right, git has user credentials per repository
> while bzr has it per branch, we should deal with it.  
> > Credentials aren't built into git -- if you have write access to the
> repo then you can write to it. So GitHub is in charge 
> > of credentials here. You can configure other people to have push
> access to your repos I believe. What did you have in mind?
> Nothing special, I was just wondering what will happen with all the
> private branches on Launchpad. As Owen pointed out, 
> making them all public in a common community repository is not the
> best way but make it public on demand is fine.
> It could be also useful to have a description how to put a private bzr
> branch into a private git repository without losing track.  
> Currently we have > 100 bzr branches public but I believe there must
> bealso a huge number of non public branches on 
> the contributors machines. 
> Did we actually lose track, if we just use git-bzr-ng? 
> Kind regards, 
> Daniel 
> 2013/6/13 RJ Ryan <>
>         On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Daniel Schürmann
>         <> wrote:
>                 Hi RJ, 
>                 Fine news!
>                 Mixxx has 122 active Launchpad branches. Does it
>                 really make sense to convert all of them to git? In
>                 which condition is the Owens converter? Is it possible
>                 to provide it, so that we can convert branches when
>                 required by ourselves? 
>         He could probably do that. Owen?
>                 The normal git workflow is to clone the repository and
>                 then maintain private branches inside the cloned
>                 repository. It would be nice to have a way to put the
>                 private bzr branches into the private Git clone. 
>         This is something you'll have to do on your own. If we go the
>         mixxxcommunity/mixxx route you could pull the specific
>         branches you wanted to recover from mixxxcommunity/mixxx into
>         your personal repo. 
>                 If I understand it right, git has user credentials per
>                 repository while bzr has it per branch, we should deal
>                 with it.  
>         Credentials aren't built into git -- if you have write access
>         to the repo then you can write to it. So GitHub is in charge
>         of credentials here. You can configure other people to have
>         push access to your repos I believe. What did you have in
>         mind?
>                 --
>                 How is the solution for the bug references? Is there a
>                 special trick or should put them into the commit
>                 message only?
>         Unfortunately there's no LP bug / commit interop here. I say
>         we just continue to mention bugs (Bug #123456) in commit
>         messages. 
>         RJ
>                 Kind regards, 
>                 Daniel 
>                 2013/6/12 RJ Ryan <>
>                         Hi all,
>                         Just wanted to give a status update on the Git
>                         migration. We're almost done!
>                         tl:dr -- stop committing to Launchpad. Make a
>                         GitHub account and fork the Mixxx repo. Push
>                         changes and personal branches to your forks
>                         and make pull requests to get them merged into
>                         the master Mixxx branch.
>                         We've been using GitHub to discuss a few
>                         recent branch merges and the result has been
>                         outstanding. It is much easier to discuss and
>                         review branch merge proposals. The number of
>                         comments the recent merges have received has
>                         far outpaced the comments merge proposals on
>                         Launchpad received. 
>                         * Build system / Build server
>                         The build system and build server now produces
>                         packages using Git. 
>                         * Website 
>                         Some references to Bazaar need to be updated.
>                         * Wiki 
>                         I've updated various pages on the wiki to
>                         remove non-historical references to Bazaar
>                         from the wiki. The compilation instructions
>                         (though not tested) are updated and we have a
>                         new Using Git
>                         article:
>                         * Branch migration, author rewrites 
>                         Owen has whipped up a quite fancy branch
>                         migration system that automatically does the
>                         author rewriting we discussed previously.
>                         Unfortunately, due to author rewriting you
>                         cannot convert your branch yourself using
>                         git-bzr-ng or a similar tool! 
>                         We are going to copy every branch on
>                to GitHub but
>                         we are still figuring out where they should
>                         go. I think they will clutter up the
>                         mixxxdj/mixxx branch list so we may create a
>                         mixxxcommunity/mixxx repo to put them all in.
>                         You will have to clone that repo to get your
>                         branch. We'll announce details once Owen
>                         decides how to do it.
>                         Please clone the Mixxx GitHub repo and give it
>                         a try. If you have never used Git before,
>                         there are tons of great resources for learning
>                         out there. I've linked some of them at the
>                         bottom
>                         of
>                         Please stop committing to Bazaar and push all
>                         of your latest changes to Bazaar branches you
>                         would like converted. Contact either Owen or I
>                         if you have any problems. 
>                         Also, please help me in updating out of date
>                         or wrong information about Bzr / Git on the
>                         wiki. If you find the compilation instructions
>                         are not working, please update them.
>                         This would not have happened if Owen hadn't
>                         stepped up to take charge of the migration.
>                         Thanks Owen!
>                         Best regards,
>                         RJ
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