On 01/06/2016 10:11 PM, Be wrote:
> What are the plans for development going forward?

We plan to release 2.0.1 when the outstanding issues are resolved,
within a week or two. (RJ and Owen have a better handle on what we're
waiting on.) I'm working on a couple more controller preset fixes/updates.

We're planning to release 2.1.0 in late March. We'll cut the branch
(feature freeze) by the end of January to allow adequate time for beta
testing and bug-fixing. There are a few items outstanding before we can
cut the branch, which is why doing so is delayed. (Owen and RJ can
provide more detail.) For me, the preferences window Interface pane
cleanup will go into 2.1. It's done, I just need to exhaustively test
then merge it.
(I doubt the skin consistency thing will get done in time, but there
again, we'll do 2.2.0 a few months later.)

For clarity, our version numbers are designated like this:

Releases that only fix things that are broken without substantial code
changes will be based off of the current release branch, and those
releases will increment the bugfix number. (E.g. 2.0.1, 2.0.2, etc.) The
first release made from a branch will increment the minor number and
reset the bugfix one. (e.g. 2.1.0 from the 2.1 branch) Subsequent ones
made from that branch will in turn increment the bugfix number (e.g.
2.1.1, 2.1.2, etc.)
The major number would increment whenever we feel like it's appropriate. :)
Sean M. Pappalardo
"D.J. Pegasus"
Mixxx Developer - Controller Specialist

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