In a recent pull request ( ) I modified the SyncButton object in the Components controller mapping library to behave like the sync buttons in skins. Short presses only use the beatsync Control for one-time sync and long presses use sync_enabled for master sync. Previously I had it so it just used sync_enabled like a normal toggle button. The more I use the new way that mimics the skins, the less I like it. I always want to use master sync when I press the button, but sometimes I forget to hold down the button. That is not something I want to have to think about while mixing. Forgetting to hold down the button has messed up some mixes because I expected decks to stay synced as I changed the tempo of one of them, but only one of them changed tempo.

Is there a use case for using master sync sometimes but not all the time? Perhaps it would be better to make a new preference option that determines whether the sync button is a toggle button for master sync or a push button for the old one-time sync. What do you think?

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