On 06/28/2017 09:38 AM, Owen Williams wrote:
There are lots of situations where DJs just want a one-shot sync without
locking two tracks together.  This is especially true if they are going
to do any scratching tricks like backspins or vinyl break stops.

I don't use vinyl or jog wheels, so I'm not sure how Mixxx behaves with sync in these situations. I thought Mixxx only manipulates the deck being scratched regardless of whether it has master sync on, in which case I don't understand how it would make a difference whether pressing the sync button turns on master sync or does a one time sync.

most DJ applications and hardware still operate on the "tap once to
sync" and don't support an advanced master mode like we have.  So I
think new users would get confused if suddenly the decks are "tied"
together just because they synced tempo.

Serato and Traktor have functionality like Mixxx's master sync to keep manipulate the tempo of multiple decks together except it is toggled with a preference option and does not require holding the sync button to activate.

Traktor sync tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ7TQ1Z1BUo
Serato sync tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD9J7azlhrQ

I think if you or any other user prefers master sync as a toggle button,
it's fine to map the sync buttons on one's own controller to toggle
master sync.  But the default really should be to tap for momentary,
hold for lock.  The lights on the buttons should reinforce this.  The
sync button should stay lit when master is on, whereas it'll be off when
sync is off.
Were any usability tests done when developing the master sync workflow? I wouldn't be surprised if there are still lots of Mixxx users who aren't aware that master sync exists. Even though it is explained in the manual and in the tooltip, why would a user think to look at the tooltip or hold the button down if they click the button and it seems to do what it is labeled for?

This is a great example, btw, where "controller preferences" would
really help. A simple checkbox for "sync always enables master" would be
super convenient.

I am not sure I agree. This issue applies to skins as much as it does to controller mappings. I think controller preferences should be for changing options specific to that device. This is a general issue that applies to any controller with a sync button, which is just about every DJ controller, so I think it should be handled by Mixxx.

On Tue, 2017-06-27 at 20:39 -0500, Be wrote:
In a recent pull request ( https://github.com/mixxxdj/mixxx/pull/1244 )
I modified the SyncButton object in the Components controller mapping
library to behave like the sync buttons in skins. Short presses only use
the beatsync Control for one-time sync and long presses use sync_enabled
for master sync. Previously I had it so it just used sync_enabled like a
normal toggle button. The more I use the new way that mimics the skins,
the less I like it. I always want to use master sync when I press the
button, but sometimes I forget to hold down the button. That is not
something I want to have to think about while mixing. Forgetting to hold
down the button has messed up some mixes because I expected decks to
stay synced as I changed the tempo of one of them, but only one of them
changed tempo.

Is there a use case for using master sync sometimes but not all the
time? Perhaps it would be better to make a new preference option that
determines whether the sync button is a toggle button for master sync or
a push button for the old one-time sync. What do you think?

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