
> > > mplex -f 8 -S 400 -o name%d.mpg "001.mp*"
> > > to mux files together, but I alwasy get 2 Gb files :-(
> > That is a correct behavior of mplex.
> >
> > > Any idea on how to use this option?
> > man mplex
> Well, do you really think I haddn't?
I have had in serveral years enought questions like that. So I usually
point out to the part of the doku.

> I am too stupid to understand how to use the -S option:
>        -S|--max-segment-size num
>               This option specifies the maximum size of output files in MBytes
>               (2^10).  The default is 2000 Mbytes (splitting output before  2G
>               limits  can  hit).   When  the  limit  is reached a  new file is
>               started.
> So what's wrong with my -S 400?
With that information I cannot exactly tell. I know that it works on my
machine with 100MB (I have no stream with more than 400 MB lying
The only differnce I see with the information you reveal is that you do
not specifie each stream. That might be a differnece. 
Try to specifie the audio and video stream:
mplex -f 8 -S 400 audio.mp2 video.m2v -o dvd%d.mpg

For more help you need to give more information. Starting with the
version of the mjpeg tools you use, the commands used, the filesizes.

And why you want to split a DVD stream into pices. I have the strange
feeling that you are trying something not suitable or not allowed for

> I am a little bit disapointed by this answer :-(
Don't worry about that.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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