
i just wrote some tools that use "liblav" to do some effects
on AVI video streams that are captured with "lavrec".

Thay are available at:


The name is kind of misleading.  The tools can do:

- pngblend: blend two streams into a final one.
- pngoverlay: overlay some PNG pictures over a video stream
- pngtrans: do some transitions between several AVI streams

I'd be glad to hear any comments on those tools.

Best regards,

Here's an example on how to start them:

#! /bin/bash

# These tools are slow, because the convert the AVI streams to RGB
# values.  This takes some time...

# This one takes a stream from left side "-l file" and a stream from
# right side "-r file" outputs it to "-o file".  the left side of the
# output stream (0 to -n xvalue) comes from the left stream, the
# right side (-m xvalue to maximum width) comes from the right stream.
# All values between -n x1 to -m x2 are mixed.
# No sound at the moment.

# ./pngblend -l ../lav_examples/file1.avi -r ../lav_examples/file2.avi \
# -n 354 -m 414 -o qq.avi

# This one works like the example above, except that a "-p picture.png"
# is used to decide from where a value comes (black:left - white:right).
# Inbetween values are interpolated.
# No sound at the moment.

# ./pngblend -l ../lav_examples/file1.avi -r ../lav_examples/file2.avi \
# -o qq.avi -p ../lav_examples/bfile.png

# These examples take an input stream and overlay a PNG file that comes
# from "-p mask".  An offset (-a) can be set to a offset (where the
# overlay starts).
# Sound is just copied to the output stream.

# ./pngoverlay -p ../lav_examples/in/%04d.png -b 1 -e 15 \
# -i ../lav_examples/in.avi -o out.avi -a 1

#./pngoverlay -p ../lav_examples/in/%04d.png -b 1 -e 15 \
# -i /vid/volltreffer1.avi -o out.avi -a 1

#./pngoverlay -p ../lav_examples/in/%04d.png -b 1 -e 15 \
# -i ../lav_examples/peanuts.avi -o out.avi -a 1

# This one puts the output into "-o res.avi".
# The order of the command line parameters matters.
# There are parameters that describe an input stream:
# -f input file name
# -b begin frame number
# -e end frame number (negative values are counted from the end)
# There are parameters that describe a "transition" from one stream to
# another (or to/from video:black / sound:quiet):
# -v number: video transition lasts "number" frames
# -s number: sound transition lasts "number" frames
# -a number: video offset
# -b number: sound offset
# Example: file1 has frames 1 to 50, file2 has frames 1 to 70.  If the
# video transition between those two is 15, the resulting video sequence
# is like this:
# frames 1 to 34 from file1
# frames 35 to 50 are mixed with frames 1 to 15 from file2
# frames 51 to 105 from file2
# If a video offset is given, e.g. 7 it all looks like this:
# frames 1 to 41 from file1
# frames 42 to 57 are mixed with frames 1 to 15 from file2
# frames 58 to 105 from file2

#./pngtrans -o res.avi \
#-v 50 -s 50 \
#-f ../lav_examples/peanuts.avi -b 13 -e 150 \
#-a 50 -v 20 -s 20 \
#-f ../lav_examples/cc1.avi -b 26 -e 150 \
#-v 50 -s 50

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