On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, CAULIER Gilles wrote:

> I want make a preview frame for some MPEG files in a KDE application. 
> There is some issue to extract to a JPEG file just one frame from MPEG file ?

try mpeg -> yuv -> ppm using mpeg2dec and y4mtoppm. To give you
an idea

mpeg2dec -s -o YUV movie.mpg | y4mtoppm -L | cjpeg > frame0.jpg

will extract the first frame, in principle[*]. To get an arbitrary
frame, you either need to extract the frame from the yuv stream before
feeding to y4mtoppm or pipe the output y4mtoppm through pnmsplit and
select the required frame. If you are interested, I have a small utility
(y4mcut)  that can select a specified interval of frames from a yuv

mpeg2dec -s -o YUV movie.mpg |y4mcut -s n -o 1| \
y4mtoppm -L -v 2 | cjpeg > frame_n.jpg

will extract the nth frame. Its not very efficient if n is large,
though. It will be nice to have an option to skip frames in mpeg2dec.


[*] assuming the first GOP is closed.

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