On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Selva Nair wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, CAULIER Gilles wrote:
> > I want make a preview frame for some MPEG files in a KDE application.
> > There is some issue to extract to a JPEG file just one frame from MPEG file ?
> try mpeg -> yuv -> ppm using mpeg2dec and y4mtoppm. To give you
> an idea
> mpeg2dec -s -o YUV movie.mpg | y4mtoppm -L | cjpeg > frame0.jpg
> will extract the first frame, in principle[*]. To get an arbitrary
> frame, you either need to extract the frame from the yuv stream before
> feeding to y4mtoppm or pipe the output y4mtoppm through pnmsplit and
> select the required frame.

Or you could do:

   mplayer -vo png -frames 1 movie.mpg

to save the first frame as a png, or

   mplayer -vo png -ss 60 -frames 10 movie.png

to seek 60 seconds into the movie, then dump 10 frames as png images.

  Robert Kesterson

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