  Bravo for the gurus of driver-zoran.
  I have tested the version 0.9.4 on my dc10old :
 - Image quality has made  real progess since 0.9.3 :
  All line are used (only one line over two was displayed in the former version)
  So it is much more comfortable to whatch the image on the screen.
 - But the bottom of the image has problems (strange display of the last 10 lines or 
 - the image is much more stable than formerly, but still there is a persistence of 
the image sometimes on one line over two : it still seems to be cros-eyed. (Laurent 
told me this is linked to the number of lines displayed, and changes among the 
different numbers of lines)

  A Question : How is it possible to specify the definition of the displayed image? 

  Thanks for this new release


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