On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Richard Ellis wrote:

> Those are the artifacts, and no, they are not in the original source
> as far as I can see by playing the .avi with glav.  The original

        Ah, ok - those caught my eye more than the pattern you mentioned
        (took a while to detect that).

> If I play the file multiple times, yes, the blocks always appear in
> the exact same locations.
        That's what I would expect - I didn't ask the question right, I
        was wondering if all encodings show the problem at the same place.

> Ok, that may pinpoint a source then.  Mpeg2enc was compiled under
> 2.95.3.  Except that the encoder is rerunning the test, and without

        I use 2.95.3 on the BSD systems without a problem.   I'm doing
        the same encoding (using the cvs version) now and so far haven't
        seen any problems.    The one difference is that the OS doesn't
        have SSE support and is thus using the MMX/MMX2 code...

> > Or does the appearance of the colored splotches vary from encoding
> > run to encoding run and/or the options used?
> Same location in the image, but less intense (less dark) in the run
> without "-R 0".
        At the same elapsed time?   Basically does _when_ the artifacts appear
        change while the location in the frame stays the same?

> There was at least one pretty major change, rc1 had no option for P
> frame only, rc2 added 0/1/2 B frames between P frames.
        Hmmm, I thought the rc1 had the -R option but perhaps it was just
        -E that appeared then.

> It was compiled with gcc 2.95.3, which might be the trouble after you
> said above that you had found some weirdness with 2.95.3 after the
> change to adjustable B frames.

        But it went completely away and the problem I had was far worse - big
        white blocks that appeared during motion not just a few color'd ones 
        that faded out.

> splotches less intense, but they are still there.  If you want, I can
> lavtrans out the first 30 or 60 seconds of the capture and set it up

        I could take a look at it and verify  that it either happens or does
        not happen on my systems (and I've a G4 Powerbook so I could encode
        using the Altivec routines).

        If I provide an incoming directory can you push it to a system I'd
        set up?

        Steven Schultz

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