On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 06:54:22PM -0700, Slepp Lukwai wrote:
> As a side note, I'm also using a 200Hz timer, instead of the standard
> 100Hz. Though I don't see this doing anything but making it quicker, as
> it reduces latency on scheduling, while slightly increasing scheduler
> overhead and context switching (or is an SSE/3Dnow! CS really expensive,
> anyone know?).

A 200Hz timer will have only one effect on batch type processes,
slowing them down.  And mpeg2enc is essentially a batch type process. 
Why?  Because of the increased scheduler overhead.  Now, you may be
hard put to measure the slowdown because so many other effects will
swamp it (one HD seek that takes a few ms would swamp a large part of
the scheduler overhead) but it's still there.

The only thing that's "quicker" with a 200hz timer is interactive
response where you want to see your X cursor move the instant you
touch the mouse.

Yes, context switching (at least for SSE) is more expensive, because
the 8 128bit SSE registers may need to be saved.  I don't know off
the top of my head if Intel implimented lazy context saves for SSE
like with the x86-fpu stack.  If they did, then not all context swaps
incur the SSE save overhead, but when one does, there is more data to

> I wonder if it comes back to the increased timing of the scheduler?
> (Though it's using a supposed O(1) scheduler, which should offset
> that).

The O(1) scheduler does not change the context switch overhead
timing.  The O(1) scheduler simply says that no matter how many
processes are waiting to run, it's a constant time to find the "next"
one when we do need to context switch.  But a 200hz timer will still
use up 2x as much cpu time running the scheduler as 100hz timer will.

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