
> I have several files that were originally encoded to be burned as VCD.
> My problem: They have been split at a later time without care, just
> brutally hacked apart at a certain point of the file.
If you have split them with the mplex -S option you should be able to
glue them together again with cat.

> Mplayer plays them as if nothing happened.
> Now I have to demux and remux the files.
> Demuxing works without any problems, but the video stream is no longer
> recognizable by mplex (or mplayer) and is therefore useless.
If you try to cat the demuxed streams together, I guess that this is
your best change. 

> Is there any way to salvage the situation without having to reencode the
> video?
> I used both bbdmux, tcextract and mplex version
For spliting I think you could also use the mpgtx package form SF. But
bbdmux should work well. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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