On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 11:27:18PM +0100, Roine Gustafsson wrote:
> On Wednesday, Jan 19, 2005, at 19:02 Europe/Stockholm, Steven Boswell  
> II wrote:
> >/video/DVD/URGH-A Music War  
> >(DVD,ac3,advc-colorscale-conform-kinecoF1-newd1_z1t2m30M3-med_fr1R1w8- 
> >m2e_b5055q1D10H).mpg
> >
> LOL! Worst file name ever! :)
> Do you have a "filt" tool to demangle that?

Actually, it's quite apparrent what it means after looking at it for
a couple seconds:

It's DVD format, it has ac3 audio, it was captured with an advc box,
colorscale and conform probably relate to advc box options.

It had the -F 1 option set for yuvkineco.

For the new denoiser, it had -z 1 -t 2 -m 30 -M 3

For the median filter it had -r 1 -R 1 -w 8

And for mpeg2enc it had -b 5055 -q 1 -D 10 -H

Or at least that looks like what it likely means.

I did exactly the same thing myself when I was using mpeg2enc
extensively, record as part of the filename the options I'd used to
encode it.  Otherwise, once I had test1, test2, ... testx, I would
have forgotten what setting was used for testy.  And maintaining that
in a separate form (on paper or in a text file) just was way more
hassle than simply encoding it into the filename.

> And on windows, it would just become URGHA~1.MPG :)

Myself, personally, I could care less what it (or what my own lengthy
file names) become under windows, as I don't do windows. :) But on a
reasonably modern windows, the whole long filename should be visible
anyway, provided that whatever tool was used to push it into a
windows system preserved long file names.

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