On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 13:16:21 -0800 (PST)
"Steven M. Schultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Jan 2005, Sebastian Singer wrote:
> > These are the errors:
> > # autoconf259
> > configure.ac:18: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE
> > configure.ac:19: error: possibly undefined macro:AM_MAINTAINER_MODE
> > configure.ac:70: error: possibly undefined macro:AC_PROC_LIBTOOL
> > configure.ac:75: error: possibly undefined macro:AM_PROC_CC_STDC
> > configure.ac:85: error: possibly undefined macro:AM_PROC_AS
> > configure.ac:105: error: possibly undefined macro:AC_DEFINE
> >      [no idea what that means - I never used autoconf before ,-{  ]
>       It means that autoconf could not find the automake or libtool or aclocal
>       macros.  
>       AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE is defined in init.m4 and that is found in a 'aclocal'
>       directory.
>       Look in /usr/share _and_ /usr/local/share
>       You may need to have symlinks like these:
> lrwxrwxr-x   1 root   wheel     11 Dec 24 09:06 aclocal -> aclocal-1.8
> drwxr-xr-x   2 sms    wheel   2048 Jan 12 15:31 aclocal-1.8
>       (1.8 is the automake version, not the autoconf version!)
>       Make similar symlinks for the version of automake that you have.
> > CVS-version of mjpegtools was 1.7.0.
>       What version of automake do you have installed (automake --version)?
>       Then make the 'aclocal' symlinks mentioned above - there should
>       be some progress (before the next problem ;)).

O.K. did these symlinks, 
I linked aclocal -> aclocal19 and aclocal-1.9 -> aclocal19
At first a little light in the tunnel: "which automake" was not detected before 
symlinking but afterwards,
(b.t.w. automake 1.9.4).  
But: It had no effect! Same errors, same trouble.

There must be people running mjpegtools on an FreeBSD-machine, right?

Rather desperate,

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