>I'm also developing an obsession for open source
>video processing.  I develop scripts (and
>graphical wizards to control/run them, for
>inexprienced/lazy users) that push the limits of
>the current state of Linux video processing

Ah, cool!  That wasn't the direction I was
planning to take, but it's definitely something
I'd like to see in open-source GUI video editing.
So please keep it up!

>I tried to contact the author of the SMIL Utils
>to ask about development and features that could
>improve the capabilities of video processing
>scripts, but I did not receive a response.  Do
>you plan to take a look at the SMIL utils as
>well?  I'm very interested in what you're
>planning to do.

My vision is to have a video-editing system that's
based around hierarchical composition of
independent parts.  For example, instead of making
the user physically glue parts of their
audio/video together, I prefer letting them
describe the various sections of their audio/video
generically, build hierarchies of such sections,
and let the editing system adjust the overall
composition based on small edits to individual
parts.  Basically a graphically-edited makefile for

For instance, I see a lot of TV programs and
movies where the sound for the next scene starts
before the video part.  I want to have an A/V
section that, for example, "officially" starts at
the beginning of the video part, but contains a
"prelude" that will get blended with any video
prepended to its beginning.  Such a section could
be moved around the hierarchy, but would
automatically blend itself in with whatever it's
paired with.  That's just one example of the
abilities I'd like to see for A/V sections...there
are plenty of others.

Attached to this e-mail is an example script-file
for a tool I wrote about two years ago.  I called
it lavmix.  It took me about four days to write,
and does a lot of what I want in an audio/video
composition tool.  But it's text-file based; I'd
prefer something that allows the information to be
edited and browsed graphically.  I'd rather turn
it into a GUI product, rather than spend lots of
time making the text-file parser deal with syntax
and semantic errors better.  (Which is why I
never released the code.)

Steven Boswell
ulatekh at yahoo dot com

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