Greetings -

        A tape I recently captured/encoded and further experiments have
        provided some valuable insight that may be of interest and value 
        to others.

        In a nutshell: the importance of processing the dark areas has GREATLY
        been underestimated!   Specifically 'desaturating the lows' (reducing
        chroma information in dark areas) has a much larger impact on the
        visual quality _and_ bitrate than previously thought.

        The movie I worked on was 144 minutes and getting that on a single
        DVD would have meant a maximum bitrate of about 4000Kb/s (or less) OR
        using a dual layer disc (which I have and though would be necessary)
        The movie was also quite dimly lit in most scenes which usually ends 
        up causing those ugly splotches/blocks.
        My brother using (inferior IMHO) windoze tools encoded the DV 
        data (which I obtained via a Canopus ADVC300) and managed to squeeze 
        the movie onto a DVD with only 50MB or so free space on the media.
        Since I had the data on the Mac I fired up FinalCutPro and 1) color
        corrected the slight colorcast (using a calibrated Sony PVM-14L2 
        monitor), 2) applied a 50% desaturation below 10 (Y' of 16 is 0 on
        the scopes, so 10 would be Y' of 26) and 3) added the 'noise killer'
        filter (from at a mild
        threshold.  Oh, the contrast/dynamicrange was also increased but the 
        first 2 adjustments are the important ones.  Then the data was 
        exported back out to a DV file and run thru the pipeline:



smil2yuv -i 2 ~/$N.dv | \
    y4mspatialfilter -L 5,0.85,5,0.85 -C 4,0.85,4,0.85 | \
    y4mshift -n -4 -N 2 -b 12,4,696,472 | \
    yuvmedianfilter -t 0 | \
    y4mdenoise -p 0 -t 3 -z 2 | \
    y4mscaler -v0 -O chromass=420_mpeg2 -O sar=src -O size=704x480 | \
    yuvmedianfilter -f -r 1 -R 1 -w 12 | \
    y4munsharp -L 3,0.4,4 | \
    bfr -b 20m -T 70 | \
    mpeg2enc -M 2 -f 8 -b 8500 -c -G 15 -D 10 -E -10 -q 3 -4 1 -2 1 -K tmpgenc 
-o $N.m2v

        The resulting 144 minute .m2v file ended up being only 

            2716265216  7 Apr 18:35 st001.m2v

        average bitrate was 2511Kb/s using -q 3!  What's better is that the 
        dark areas look great.  Since the bitrate came out so much lower than
        expected  I'm doing the encoding run again but without the two 
        y4mspatialfilter and yuvmedianfilter filters.  The 2nd yuvmedianfilter 
        use did seem to soften the image a little more than I prefer.  The 
        re-coding is about 60% done and the average bitrate (without the
        spatial and median programs) crept up to 3040Kb/s so the movie will
        easily fit.

        So, that got me to thinking about how to show/demonstrate the 
        effect of "manipulating the lows" and then the thought hit me - there
        was about a 1.5 minute black scene at the beginning of the movie
        while the orchestral opening theme played.

        I edited  the 1m40s black section into two files "WithoutCorrection.dv"
        (no filters at all) and "WithCorrection.dv" ("desaturate lows" filter

        Then the 'y4mhist' (recently added to mjpegtools) program was used
        to get a histogram of the clips.  The simple script was used with
        the appropriate input and output filenames substituted.  The 'y4mshift'
        command was used to get rid of the VCR trash in the edges of the


smil2yuv -i 2 WithCorrection.dv | \
    y4mshift -n -4 -N 2 -b 12,4,696,472 | \

        First let's look at the "Without" (no special processing of the black
        areas) histogram (the extremes have been edited out since they were
        all 0) - see the Attachment labeled "Without Filter  Histogram".

        To the knowing reader several things stand out.  FIRST is that the
        black level is a bit high - it's fairly obvious that black is at 17 or
        18 instead of 16 on this tape so lowering the black level slightly 
        would probably be a good idea.  SECOND, there's a slight colorcast,
        U is centered at 127 instead of 128 and V centered at 126 and  127.
        THIRD, for 100 seconds of what looks black to the EYE there's
        a LOT of color information there that the encoder WILL see (more on
        that later - you'll see that the encoder does INDEED see the color
        and waste MANY bits encoding it).

        So one thing that would be done to the data is color correct the
        blacks - that's the left color wheel in FCP's 3way color correction
        filter but let's leave color correction for another day ;)

        Next let's look at the "With" (desaturate lows below Y' of 26 by 50%)
        histogram - see the attachment "With Filter Histogram".

        The Y has been shifted down slightly and is a lot closer to 16 for
        black. I'm not exactly sure why this happened, but it's a Good Thing.
        The 17,18,19 values have basically been added in to the 16 value.

        NOTE the U and V center points of 128 though and how much higher
        they are than before!  Most of the dark pixels had their U and V
        values moved towards 128

        The result is that blacks look black instead of dark grey (or dark
        purplish or greenish).  It also means that  more pixels are identical 
        or closer in value.  The latter you might expect to result in more
        efficient encoding (lower bitrate) and you'd be correct.  However, the 
        magnitude of the increase in efficiency will surprise you!

        Now on to the encoding tests :)

        To keep things simple and consistent the minimal script:


smil2yuv -i 2 WithoutCorrection.dv | \
    y4mshift -n -4 -N 2 -b 12,4,696,472 | \
    y4mscaler -v0 -O chromass=420mpeg2 | \
    mpeg2enc -f 8 -q 3 -o Without.m2v

        was used (changing the input/output files names of course ;))

        Encoding ~100 seconds of what LOOKS to be BLACK you would expect to
        produce a very small file but appearances can be deceiving - to the
        eye the data looks black but let's see what the encoder makes of
        the data shall we?

        First the Without (no filtering) mplex report:

   INFO: [mplex] Video Stream length:    27204973 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence headers:      199
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence ends   :        1
   INFO: [mplex] No. Pictures    :     2976
   INFO: [mplex] No. Groups      :      199
   INFO: [mplex] No. I Frames    :      199 avg. size 10929 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. P Frames    :     2777 avg. size  9013 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. B Frames    :        0 avg. size     0 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] Average bit-rate :  2191600 bits/sec
   INFO: [mplex] Peak bit-rate    :  2420400  bits/sec

        NOTE the file length of ~27MB: 27204973  7 Apr 20:45 Without.m2v 

        Wow - average bitrate of 2191Kb/s for BLACK!!!

        Ok, now on to the Withcorrection run:

   INFO: [mplex] Video Stream length:     3120492 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence headers:      199
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence ends   :        1
   INFO: [mplex] No. Pictures    :     2976
   INFO: [mplex] No. Groups      :      199
   INFO: [mplex] No. I Frames    :      199 avg. size  7735 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. P Frames    :     2777 avg. size   569 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. B Frames    :        0 avg. size     0 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] Average bit-rate :   251200 bits/sec
   INFO: [mplex] Peak bit-rate    :   461600  bits/sec

        NOTE the file length: 3120492  7 Apr 20:32 With.m2v

        27204973  7 Apr 20:45 Without.m2v
         3120492  7 Apr 20:32 With.m2v

        Did you expect a 9X difference by just a SIMPLE tweek to the 'lows'? :)

        To the EYE there's no change in the visual quality of the 'black'
        but there's a *huge* drop in the bitrate.  Look at how the P frames 
        went from 9013 bytes to 569 bytes!

        Other options to the encoder (-E) will of course change the numbers
        (adding  "-E -10" lowered the bitrate for both files but the ratio of
        file sizes stayed the same!).   Adding denoising and so on will also
        change the results but the "cleaned up" version will still be lower.

        Since the chroma is such a small portion of the total amount of data
        (chroma being subsampled down to 4:1:1 or 4:2:0) the tendency has been
        to think that noise in the chroma didn't affect the bitrate or quality
        to any great extent.  
        I submit that this is not true and that 'chroma impurities/noise' 
        have a larger effect than previously believed and in the darker areas
        the effect is VERY large both on bitrate and quality of final encoded

        The above were done with an extended "completely black scene"  but the
        results are applicable to movies as well: think about a video with 
        many dark scenes...

                        The End

        Steven Schultz
Y 0 0
Y 1 0
Y 2 0
Y 3 0
Y 4 0
Y 5 0
Y 6 0
Y 7 0
Y 8 0
Y 9 0
Y 10 0
Y 11 0
Y 12 4
Y 13 50
Y 14 456
Y 15 9090
Y 16 119172195
Y 17 484955690
Y 18 416123632
Y 19 4474550
Y 20 3668921
Y 21 97583
Y 22 1340
Y 23 725
Y 24 496
Y 25 301
Y 26 177
Y 27 122
Y 28 79
Y 29 77
Y 30 66
Y 31 24
Y 32 5
Y 33 5
Y 34 3
Y 35 2
Y 36 3
Y 37 0
Y 38 2
Y 39 1
Y 40 0

U 120 0
U 121 0
U 122 0
U 123 0
U 124 68
U 125 47335
U 126 1885013
U 127 229322193
U 128 25810730
U 129 25631
U 130 12419
U 131 8334
U 132 6453
U 133 4058
U 134 2286
U 135 1103
U 136 525
U 137 187
U 138 43
U 139 18
U 140 2
U 141 1
U 142 0
U 143 1
U 144 0

V 120 0
V 121 0
V 122 0
V 123 8
V 124 3374
V 125 1382101
V 126 100605506
V 127 126352344
V 128 28538356
V 129 217297
V 130 26870
V 131 527
V 132 17
V 133 0
V 134 0
V 135 0
V 136 0
V 137 0
V 138 0
V 139 0
V 140 0
V 141 0
V 142 0
V 143 0
V 144 0
Y 0 0
Y 1 0
Y 2 0
Y 3 0
Y 4 0
Y 5 0
Y 6 0
Y 7 0
Y 8 0
Y 9 0
Y 10 0
Y 11 0
Y 12 8
Y 13 279
Y 14 2158
Y 15 38136
Y 16 1015028709
Y 17 11437147
Y 18 1990996
Y 19 3992
Y 20 1326
Y 21 822
Y 22 685
Y 23 466
Y 24 300
Y 25 185
Y 26 126
Y 27 89
Y 28 71
Y 29 53
Y 30 20
Y 31 15
Y 32 6
Y 33 3
Y 34 1
Y 35 2
Y 36 3
Y 37 1
Y 38 0
Y 39 1
Y 40 0

U 120 0
U 121 0
U 122 0
U 123 0
U 124 0
U 125 2
U 126 3522
U 127 3333409
U 128 253748054
U 129 26316
U 130 11853
U 131 2481
U 132 675
U 133 79
U 134 9
U 135 0
U 136 0
U 137 0
U 138 0
U 139 0
U 140 0

V 120 0
V 121 0
V 122 0
V 123 0
V 124 0
V 125 213
V 126 525890
V 127 2874201
V 128 253048788
V 129 674985
V 130 2250
V 131 73
V 132 0
V 133 0
V 134 0
V 135 0
V 136 0
V 137 0
V 138 0
V 139 0
V 140 0

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