Steven M. Schultz wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, [UTF-8] Bernhard Frühmesser wrote:
>>>     They are median filters.  The -m is applied BEFORE the -t.  The -M
>>>     is applied after the -t.
>>So they can be useful for what type of video?
>       "impulse noise" - small dots or specks in the picture.  I've used
>       a small radius medianfilter on very noisy video.  I know that with
>       'yuvmedianfilter' you can specify the radius with -r and -R (for luma
>       and chroma respectively).  "-r 2" is the default and is slower (and will
>       tend to soften the image more - but for noisy video this might be what
>       is desired!), "-r 1" is a lot faster and leaves more detail.
>       Combining the medianfitler with the unsharp filter can greatly 
>       improve the visual appearance of the video.  It's the same technique
>       used with still images:  blur and then sharpen. 
>       I do not think that yuvdenoise allows the specification of the radius
>       used with -m or -M.

I see. Hmm, might me usefull for really old source matterial.

>>I played around a bit with the video using the filters and then yuvplay 
>>at the end and not mpeg2enc and i realized that these "painted effects" ...
>>create the video file i have these "painted effects", on my old box i 
>>have version 1.8.0 of mjpegtools installed and i did exactly the same 
>>Exactly the same cmd on the old box didn´t produce these "painted 
>>effects" in the video.
>       So on your new box you are using a newer (cvs?) version?  And on the
>       old/other system you're using 1.8?

Yep, on my "oldest" box i still have version 1.6.2 installed on the 
"old" box 1.8.0 and cvs on the new box, i like to keep older version a 
bit longer just in case...

And with that i can compare things.

And someone said: "Never change a running system" :-)

>>Some bug in mpeg2enc maybe?
>       Possible.  There have been some major changes made - possible that
>       bugs have been introduced.  I haven't done much encoding with the
>       current CVS version of mpeg2enc - I'm waiting for Andrew to give the
>       "it's working better" signal ;)

Hmm, i´ll play around a bit with it, maybe it´s just some kind of 
"setting-thingie" :-)


>       Cheers,
>       Steven Schultz

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