On Fri, 2007-29-06 at 10:28 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
> I use a DC10+.  Try something like
> lavrec -f a -i P -d 1 -q 80 -s -l 60 -R l -U 
> filename-%02d.avi  --max-file-size num         Maximum size per file (in MB)

lavrec -f a -i n -d 1 -q 80 -s -l 60 -R 1 -U test1.avi

Worked fine for the video. Very nice. (Except Totem displays it
letterboxed... VLC and Xine display ok, Mplayer is a little choppy is

Unfortunatly, no sound with that capture...

Will play with it later.

Lance F. Squire

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