The attached patch allows to generate ways from a relation. To do so simply write the way generating statement into your relations style file, e.g.

type=route & route=bicycle & network=tcn { name 'Touristic cycleroute' } [ 0x02 road_class=3 road_speed=6 level 3 ]

Attachment: generate_ways_from_relations.patch
Description: Binary data

If one way is a member of several relations one copy of the way will be generated for each relation (and also another one if the way matches also in the lines style file).

The name of the generated way is the name of the relation. The access tag must be set explicitly in the relations style file, as (except the "oneway" tag) no tags are copied from the original way into the generated way.

I consider this patch experimental, but as I have it in use now for some days and it works fine I though I might publish it. It is really useful for cycle maps.

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