1. See here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?lat=48.084294&lon=16.296498&zoom=18

Have a look at the street running paralell to the railwaylines (name Thomas-Tamussino-Straße, ref B11).
Mappers have nicely and correctly entered the bridge. The section after the bridge is only about 3m long, because after the next intersection the street name changes.

On compiling, these 3m get dropped and are missing. What's even worse, because the section is so short, Any autorouting wanting to go over that place, crashes in Mapsource (at least it does not crash Mapsource however, only route calculation stops with error).
Here is a small screenshot of how it looks like on 20m zoom in Mapsource:

I'm more than sure that there are several other places were we face the same problem, which at first look seem like mappers made mistake and did not connect road, but in reality it's one of those road segments shorter than 3.4m getting dropped.

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