Did anyone else notice this problem before? Were you able to reproduce
it? If it helps, I can prepare a map that will have a routing problem
just at the edge (there's a biking tunnel that MapSource avoids, no
matter how hard I try, while letting mkgmap render the map without a
boundary, the tunnel works just fine).

Let me know if you need the map/script/other stuff to reproduce it.
I have been experimenting with maps with only one tile, but I did notice the misalignment of the map selection box and the detailed map in mapsource. I assumed it was a rounding issue between the detailed map and the overview map which are at different scales, and never thought to report it as an issue. For a large map it is almost unnoticeable, but for a small sample it can be completely wrong. For small maps what I did was increased the size of the bounding box in the osm file, and the alignment problem was fixed, or no longer a problem, because the box was bigger than the tile.

One reason why others have not reported this may be because they do not use mapsource or QLandKarteGT. Those with external storage GPSr may never have seen this misalignment. Or like me, they just adjusted the boundaries.


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