> Hi
> On 10/08/09 22:37, Chris Miller wrote:
>> Hi Steve/anyone,
>> Can someone please clarify exactly how DivisionParser.round(Area) is
>> supposed to behave? My understanding is that it is taking the area
>> passed in and rounding
> On past experience, it is pretty safe to assume that any rounding code
> written by me is incorrect until proven otherwise.

Haha OK, I'll bear that tip in mind ;) Thanks for clarifying.

I haven't yet had time to read through and understand everything in the thread 
Valentijn pointed at 
but my impression is that the conclusion was that the splitter should be 
rounding areas off to boundaries in multiples of 4096 rather than 2048? If 
that's so I'll have a look at fixing that tonight (hopefully it's as simple 
as setting SPLIT = 12 for AreaSplitter.limit(), DivisionParser.round()).


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