
Sorry for the misunderstanding. Without looking, I assumed the SEVERE
error had been introduced by your patch, while it was probably somewhere
between r1127 and r1131 (not sure, did not look again). Without your
patch, the same errors show up.

However, experimenting a bit with the Fransiscusdreef I sent, I think I
have a small, simple, reproducable (in MapSource that is, so no
guarantees) routing problem where A to C goes wrong, while A to B, B to
C and A to B via C go right. I thought you might be interested, the
MapSource file is attached.

This goes wrong both with and without your patch (but both of them were
compiled *without* any remove-short-arcs options, so I guess there is a
chance that the unpatched version *with* remove-short-arcs behaves
totally different from the new version without any remove-short-arcs (as
r-s-arcs is default now), right?

Best regards,


Mark Burton schreef:
> The patch should actually reduce the number of short arcs. The
> remaining arcs that it is now complaining about were there already, the
> new patch hasn't created them, it's just now detecting them!
Durgerdamstraat 29, 1507 JL Zaandam; telefoon 075-7074579

Attachment: Fransicusdreef version 2.gdb
Description: Binary data

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