
I've just discovered that a directory called .Spotlight-V100/ on the microSD
card makes my Garmin Legend Cx crash when I switch it off.

The crash leads to a continuous beeping sound, and the only way to stop it
is to remove the batteries (and external power if connected to USB.)

The .Spotlight-V100/ directory is created if you mount the micro-SD card on
a Mac; apparently spotlight carries on to index the files on the card,
thereby creating the directory. I have not investigated if you can turn this
behaviour off.

By "mounting" I mean setting the Garmin device in "USB-mode". The
.Spotligt-V100 directory is _not_ created if you connect the device to the
Mac and use Garmins programs (such as RoadTrip) to communicate with it.

If I delete the directory in question, the very annoying crashing behaviour
stops, and the Garmin switches off with the normal two-note beep.


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