On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 04:24:10PM -0700, Apollinaris Schoell wrote:
> lucky you :)couldn't figure that out too. it wasn't a problem with older
> firmware. and since the update to 3.0 it was really annoying to remove the
> batteries all time.

Well, at least you can remove the batteries without breaking the case open.
Us poor Edge 605/705 owners do not have that luxury. :-)  The SD card is
removeable, but I guess the beep of death could be triggered by the internal
flash as well.  No, I don't have a Mac, so I don't really know if the
Edge is affected. 

BTW, a 2.90 firmware update for the Edge 605/705 was released this week.
Nothing special, and I haven't tried recording any traces with it yet.
The 2.70 badly broke the recording (it routinely corrupted the XML files).

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