Hi, Clinton,
sorry for taking long time to answer but i have spent some hours in 
testing this label stuff.

Clinton Gladstone wrotes:
> What effect, exactly does the 0x1f code have?
Sorry, I can only tell you my observations.
    dependending on the zoom level on GPS , the first + second part of 
the label will be shown. On my 60csx until 200m only the label is visible.
    In Mapsource allways only the first part is visible. Only by wiping 
over with the mouse cursor, you see the full name.
    Ex.  "~[0x06]B58 ~[0x1f]Weseler Strasse"
    First "B58" is visible, later also the  second part "Weseler 
Strasse" will be shown on the map.
    Both parts will be used by the turn instructions like  "Left to B58 
Weseler Strasse".

By playing with the label i found one thing:
As example(without "1F" magic code, but the same thing occurs if there 
is an "1F" in the label )
label in osm-format data file

<tag k="ref" v="B58" />
<tag k="name" v="Weseler Strasse" />

results in img file in:
0006 4235 3820 5745 5345 4C45 5220 5354 5241 5353 4500 4235 38
          B 5   8      W E   S E   L  E    R      S  T   R A  S  S   
E       B  5   8
The second "B58" must be out of the ref, because allways i changed it, 
both were changed.

This give you turn instruction like "Left to B58"
In Mapsource wipping over for fullname doesn't work.
On GPS wipping over for fullname works.(without "1F" magic code in this 
example full name is visble anayway by zooming)
Marking the object with cursor and pushing ENTER-button only shows "B58" 
ony the description page.

mp-format label
results in img file in:

0006 4235 3820 5745 5345 4C45 5220 5354 5241 5353 45
         B 5   8      W E   S E   L  E    R      S  T   R A  S  S   E 

This give you turn instruction like "Left to B58 Weseler Strasse"
In Mapsource wipping over for fullname works.
On GPS wipping over for fullname works.(without "1F" magic code in this 
example full name is visble anayway by zooming)
Marking the object with cursor and pushing ENTER-button  shows the 
fullname  "B58 Weseler Strasse" ony the description page.

And this is is exactly the result i became by compiling the mp-format 
file with cgpmapper.

If a ref-tag is given in  the osm-file, allways an extra label  is 
produced in the img.
I think this causes the differences e.g. in turn instructions.
Before i tought is was the missing "1F" but the manual injection doesn't 
solve this.


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