On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Gert Münzel <gert.muen...@netcologne.de> wrote:

> If a ref-tag is given in  the osm-file, allways an extra label  is
> produced in the img.
> I think this causes the differences e.g. in turn instructions.
> Before i tought is was the missing "1F" but the manual injection doesn't
> solve this.

Thanks for checking this. This also confirms what I found. I
discovered that the second label appears to be the one used in routing
directions and displayed on "mouse over" events.

I made a modification which allows you to set the second label using
the style file. This corrects the problem that only the ref is
displayed in routing directions, which is what I think you and Ralf
would like. It definitely makes the routing directions more friendly.

I'll send out a patch for this shortly.

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