Gert Münzel wrotes on *on* /Fri Oct 30 20:34:29 GMT 2009/
> If i transfer the osm map together with an other map which contains also 
> an index, address search dont'work.
> Together with a Metroguide only the metroguide index  works.
> Together with an other mkgmap map address search don't work for any of 
> the maps.(e.g openmtbmap De + own mkgmap created trailmap)
> Address search works with multiple tiles out of a mapset (tested with 4 
> tiles)
Sorry but i have to give some more additional information on this

> Together with an other mkgmap map address search don't work for any of 
> the maps.(e.g openmtbmap De + own mkgmap created trailmap)
This seems to be related to my trailmap. No idea why.

Meanwhile i have also tested sending mtbmap Germany + mtbmapalps each 
with 2 tiles.
The address searchs works, but only in the tile where you are actually 
located. You can search in other tiles by moving your postion with gps 
in off Satellite mode.
> Address search works with multiple tiles out of a mapset (tested with 4 
> tiles)
see above. only in the tile where you are actually located.


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