On 30/10/09 17:05, Felix Hartmann wrote:
> finding of addresses / choosing street. This leads me to believe that
> something with the country index is written wrong and therefore only
> searching in current tile is possible.

Well it is very possible, although I don't even have a suspicion of 
where the problem might be.  For example things go wrong if there are 
more than 16 regions in a single map, but this is unlikely to be a real 
limit as the region field in the city section is two bytes wide.

> Also the cities seem to be missing something, as soon as I type in a
> letter it says none found (only in address search or intersection search
> tab, in the city search tab cities are found - except those with Umlauts
> in their name).

The sorting order for labels could be a problem, it not something that I 
have looked into much, and is next on my list to investigate.


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