Hello Carlos,

> Since yesterday the number of similar arcs warnings has increased very
> much, but when you look at the supposed wrong data, they are correct and
> there are no recent changes. May be recent commits have introduced some
> bug in this regard. You can have a look at this one for example:
> 2010/01/21 09:14:35 ADVERTENCIA (RouteNode): Similar arcs ((N-630
> Carretera de Gijón a Sevilla,
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/34954325) and (N-630 Carretera
> de Gijón a Sevilla, http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/34954325))
> from http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=38.32804&mlon=-6.32094&zoom=17

That warning occurs when you have multiple arcs that have the same
start and end points and the same length. It could occur when there
are duplicate ways in the map data but also it could occur if the style
rules you are using generate multiple routable lines from the same way.

I notice that in the above message the OSM ids are the same. That
implies that you are generating two roads from one way. It's either a
bug in mkgmap or in your style rules.

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