Mark Burton escribió:
> Hello Carlos,
>> Since yesterday the number of similar arcs warnings has increased very
>> much, but when you look at the supposed wrong data, they are correct and
>> there are no recent changes. May be recent commits have introduced some
>> bug in this regard. You can have a look at this one for example:
>> 2010/01/21 09:14:35 ADVERTENCIA (RouteNode): Similar arcs ((N-630
>> Carretera de Gijón a Sevilla,
>> and (N-630 Carretera
>> de Gijón a Sevilla,
>> from
> That warning occurs when you have multiple arcs that have the same
> start and end points and the same length. It could occur when there
> are duplicate ways in the map data but also it could occur if the style
> rules you are using generate multiple routable lines from the same way.
> I notice that in the above message the OSM ids are the same. That
> implies that you are generating two roads from one way. It's either a
> bug in mkgmap or in your style rules.

OK, I see. It's due to bridges I have introduced recently in my maps. In
some of my attempts to get bridges working I had to add road_class and
road_speed to the bridges lines. I suppose removing them will solve the
problem, won't it?
Thanks for you clarification

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