Dave F. schrieb am 22.01.2010 19:03:
> In my line style: barrier=wall
> In my polygon style:
> landuse=farmyard & barrier=wall
> landuse=farmyard
> What do I need to do to get it to render?

I think, right now it is not possible, to get from one garmin element a polygon
as well as a line in the map.

A possible solution is to get rid of the wall. You could change your line style
to barrier=wall & landuse!=*, so that a wall line will not be generated, if
there is also a landuse tag.

Or another solution is to place two lap layers above each other. You can
generate one map with the landuse polygon, and on top of that (with a higher
draw_priority and with the transparent flag) you can put a second map containing
the wall line.

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