Dave F. schrieb am 24.01.2010 03:47:
> Could you explain the continue statement please. I couldn't find 
> anything on it in the wiki.

For each OSM-object mkgmap normally scans through all rules in your style file
and searches for the rule with the highest priority, i.e. the first rule, that
matches. This rule is executed, i.e. the corresponding garmin item is created,
and afterwards the nect OSM-object is processed.

If the applied rule contains a continue statement, e.g. highway=primary [0x01
resolution 20 continue], than mkgmap will apply this rule and afterwards
continue scanning the style file (right now it does not scan any additional
style files) for the next matching rule.

If the matching rule has also an actions part, e.g. {set oneway=yes}, than this
part is only applied to the garmin element created by this rule and not for the
following elements created from the same OSM item If you use instead of
"continue" the "continue with_actions" statement, than the action part is
applied to the actual item as well as to all follwing items.

The best example for the continue statement is a node, which is tagged as
restaurant and as hotel at the same time. Without continue statement you can
only get one garmin element, either a hotel or a restaurant. With the continue
statement you can get both at the same time.

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