
> okay searching for roads works very well now.


> However the ENQ problem is 
> not solved for me. Using: /set ref = '${ref}'/ inside relations file for 
> relations that have a ref (like EV6) and then
> /{ set name='${ref|highway-symbol:box:6:4} ${name}' | 
> '${ref|highway-symbol:box:6:4}'; add display_name='${name}'}/
> inside lines file, causes mkgmap to create these havoc names.

Sorry, once again, I am nonplussed by the style syntax, what does the
6:4 mean in the above?
> If read with mapedit name looks like this:
> ~[0x2f]EV6 ~[0x2e]EV6 DONAURADWEG
> inside Mapsource it looks like this:
> Clearly mkgmap has some problem here. There is nowhere at all where I 
> ask [0x2f] or [0x2e] to be included into the name. Furthermore is 
> neither 0x2f nor 0x2e the type of the road.

Well, the 0x2f and 0x2e are the 6-bit encodings of the Oval and Box
shields so at least one of those matches what your doing above but I
can't see how the Oval code is getting in there. Do you have some other
rule that adds an Oval shield?

So I wonder if the problem is that your ending up with a highway shield
code embedded in the name rather than being a prefix. Perhaps, it
can only cope with prefix shields.

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