> > Sorry, once again, I am nonplussed by the style syntax, what does the
> > 6:4 mean in the above?
> >
> >    
> This means 6 characters maximum, or 4 non numeric characters maximum if 
> I remember it correctly. Default is 7:5 if I remember correctly.

OK - thanks.

> > Well, the 0x2f and 0x2e are the 6-bit encodings of the Oval and Box
> > shields so at least one of those matches what your doing above but I
> > can't see how the Oval code is getting in there. Do you have some other
> > rule that adds an Oval shield?
> >    
> No, the full rules for the highway shields are as follows (I don't think 
> there is a bug inside on my part):
> ( extremecarver=mr | route=mtb ) & ref=*                             { 
> set name='${ref|hig00002f4b | 01 38 00                | 3 byte stream
hway-symbol:hbox:6:4} ${name}' | 
> '${ref|highway-symbol:hbox:6:4}'; add display_name='${name}'}
> extremecarver5=bike & ref=* & extremecarver!=mr & route!=mtb            
> { set name='${ref|highway-symbol:box:6:4} ${name}' | 
> '${ref|highway-symbol:box:6:4}'; add display_name='${name}'}
> highway=* & ref=* & extremcaver5!=bike & extremecarver!=mr & route!=mtb 
> { set name='${ref|highway-symbol:oval:6:4} ${name}' | 
> '${ref|highway-symbol:oval:6:4}'; add display_name='${name}'}

Yes, you do have another rule that adds an oval shield (the last one
above). So what's happening is that two of the rules are matching and
you are getting both a box and an oval shield added to the name - and
that's badness.

> > So I wonder if the problem is that your ending up with a highway shield
> > code embedded in the name rather than being a prefix. Perhaps, it
> > can only cope with prefix shields.
> >    
> I don't understand what you mean with /being a prefix/.

What I mean is that the highway shield code has to prefix (go at the
front) of the name and not be embedded within the name string.

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