On 21.03.2010 23:42, Mark Burton wrote:
> Felix,
>> The patch for the patch by Clinton, allows that display_name can be
>> identical to "name" and I find it pretty useful.
> I am very slow - please spell it out for me.
Well this won't work (no labels shown, nor ref included into display name):
highway=* & ref=* {set display_name='${ref|highway-symbol:oval:6:4} 
${name}' | '${ref|highway-symbol:oval:6:4}' | '${name}'}

If however I only do this then both Mapsource and my etrex will only 
show ref in routing instructions, instead of "ref name".
highway=* & ref=* {name '${ref|highway-symbol:oval:6:4} ${name}' | 
'${ref|highway-symbol:oval:6:4}' | '${name}'}

Therefore I need to do the following (so that both label is shown, as 
well as ref included into routing instructions)
highway=* & ref=* {name '${ref|highway-symbol:oval:6:4} ${name}' | 
'${ref|highway-symbol:oval:6:4}' | '${name}'; set display_name='${ref} 
So I do need to be able to set name and display_name to the same value 
(and I want to have ref before name, as often name gets cut off on etrex 
small display).
> How does having two labels that are the same apart from the first one
> having a highway shield prefix behave any differently from just having
> the first label on its own? I don't understand the benefit.
> Mark
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