I'm also having some problems with getting a map of mine into BaseCamp
for MacOS. My source is a self-generated map made from ireland.osm
(Geofabrik) with the latest index branch snapshot.

I had to persevere before I managed to get the command line version of
gmapibuilder from:

...to do what I wanted. I have always use the GUI version until now. I
started wtih a command line like this:

python gmapi-builder.py -t osmmap.tdb -b osmmap.img -s dermot3.TYP -i
osmmap.mdx -m osmmap_mdr.img 55555555.img

This completed, and Garmin Map Manager copied the result into place,
but BaseCamp failed to use it.

But including the base map in the list of maps at the end of the
command line produced something that BaseCamp will accept:

python gmapi-builder.py -t osmmap.tdb -b osmmap.img -s dermot3.TYP -i
osmmap.mdx -m osmmap_mdr.img osmmap.img 55555555.img

The problem is, Basecamp still claims that the map lacks address
information, so I'm out of ideas. Can anybody see a snag with what
I've done?


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