El 10/04/11 14:37, Felix Hartmann escribió:
> On 10.04.2011 14:22, Martin Simon wrote:
>> 2011/4/10 Felix Hartmann<extremecar...@gmail.com>:
>>> Qlandkarte has gone a long way, but still Mapsource draws the maps
>>> better looking, quicker and autorouting and generall track planning is
>>> much quicker.
>> On Linux? Serious question - when I get it to run on wine, it's dead
>> slow and draws ugly, blurred tiles.
> On both Ubuntu (not using Wine of course) and on Windows 7.
I use MapSource on debian+wine and don't find it to be slow or draw ugly.
>>> 2. implement autorouting for garmin .img maps
>> Would be nice, but there's already openrouteservice.org integration
>> for a start...
> Well and that is in no way as useful for outdoor activities. And for
> motorcar navigation no OSM map can compete with Garmin City Navigator
> maps (the problem is more in OSM data though than in mkgmap).
I completely disagree with you. City Navigator contains lots of errors 
in the data (that you can't fix as you can with OSM) and makes you 
travel longer/slower/wrong routes in many cases. I have used my OSM maps 
in Spain with better routing than when I used garmin CN maps in the 
past. I also used them in Switzerland, Portugal and Morocco without 
problems, provided the area you are traveling is enough covered by OSM 
(beforehand checking in MapSource is essential in that cases).
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