
since my GPS-maps rely heavily on multiple layers, there would be some benefit,
if producing of these layer could happen within a single mkgmap run, so that the
common proccesing steps would be executed only once.

Whether this can be achieved, depends on the time of the processing step. I
would guess, that most steps are not performed on the whole OSM input data, but
only on the output data of the styled converter (there is no need to process any
data not used in the map). So if you want to use multiple styles in parallel,
most of the processing must be done anyway multiple times.

I don't like the proposal to put the multiple layer support into the style
files, I think such a mechanism should be controlled via command line
parameters, so that you could the same styles either for single layers or for a
multiple layers mkgmap run.

I would like an extension, which would allow such a usage of mkgmap:

input.osm -> style-A, parameters-A -> outputA.img
          -> style-B, parameters-B -> outputB.img

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