I have tried locator v1928 with the uploaded europe-boundaries but still no 
success. In Mapsource about 45/80 of the random streets that I tested had no 
placename. In all those cases mkgmap-locator-r1915.jar could find a matching 
placename. If I look to those places that could be matched with a placename, 
and I enter the placename on the GPS, the streets show up in a list but if I 
choose that street no location can be found. I can only find that location by 
skipping the placename and enter the streetname directly. With the other 50% 
(streets with no location in Mapsource) they are not searchable at all on the 
GPS. With r1915 most of the streets were found, even on the GPS.

I also examined the logfile. This street couldn't be found with a matching 
place (Tilburg)
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/77208790 (locator 1928 can't find not 
just one street in Tilburg, a big city, locator 1915 finds many streets there)

In the logfile I found these messages:

Added tag mkgmap:admin_level2 = NLD to 
Added tag mkgmap:admin_level4 = Noord-Brabant to 

Nothing more, no admin_level 8 and 10 are matched.

One example of a street that could be matched in Mapsource with a placename: 

Added tag mkgmap:admin_level8 = Gilze en Rijen to [name=Gerardus 
Majellastraat,mkgmap:admin_level8=Gilze en Rijen,highway=unclassified
Added tag mkgmap:admin_level10 = Hulten to [name=Gerardus 
Majellastraat,mkgmap:admin_level8=Gilze en 
Added tag mkgmap:admin_level2 = NLD to [name=Gerardus 
Added tag mkgmap:admin_level4 = Noord-Brabant to [name=Gerardus 

If I enter "Hulten" on the GPS, the streetname "Gerardus Majellastraat" shows 
up in the list of streetnames, but if I click on it, no location can be found.
If I skip the placename, and enter directly the name Gerardus Majellastraat, 
the location can be found.

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