Just to clarify the naming issue - just like the default I use: 

So subsequent calls for %FID%*.img are also taking the ovm_img files 
into the overview_map/tdb. Calling
"%FID%????.img doesn't work on cmd.exe (that would be great - so I could 
exclude the _ovm.img) AFAIK.

Therefore naming ovm_%FID%.img would be the better option.

Oh and sorry for my mistakes - I'm working over very slow internet 
connection from my laptop. - So it's much harder to implement changes 
compared to working from a nice big monitor and fast internet....
On 06.05.2013 16:46, Felix Hartmann wrote:
> ups, sorry. Actually it is working as expected - but I missed the 
> options file. I didn't notice that due to the latest style-file 
> reading changes - I had to move the style into a new directory (else 
> additional folders inside the style-file directory would stop mkgmap - 
> whereas before it was fine) and on copying the options file was not 
> copied.
> So it looks like, that with or without additional files, the overview 
> map is created correctly... - GREAT.
> I've got one little problem though - and that is the naming of the 
> ovm.img files. It would be great if they could be called ovm_*.img 
> instead of *_ovm.img - that change would make sure that they are
> a) not taken into the map as actual map .img files for subsequent 
> mkgmap calls using MapID*.img calls,
> b) are not included into the NSIS installer
> On 06.05.2013 16:25, GerdP wrote:
>> Hi Felix,
>> does the last call create the *_ovm.img files ?
>> If you look at one, does it contain anything (points,lines,polygons) ?
>> If not, maybe your style doesn't yet put anything to the low 
>> resolutions?
>> Gerd
>> Felix Hartmann-2 wrote
>>> yes thanks I know - but didn't notice I had typed it wrong...
>>> As for the input files:
>>> I use:
>>> -c template.%countryx% 7*.img
>>> -- whereas template.%country% contains only the pbf input files - and
>>> 7*.img are precompiled contour files...
>>> However I also in a second run, just create the map from the created
>>> *.img files, without contourlines (could change the order too - as long
>>> as the result is right). It would be perfect if I could specify the
>>> *_ovm.img for the second run (which is only used for creating an
>>> additional tdb/overview_map - that doesn't include the contourlines).
>>> The style-file for the 7*.img contourlines is of course different. The
>>> 7*.img being contourlines - only need to be included without any map
>>> information - as the overview map doesn't need contourlines (that would
>>> be next to impossible - except maybe with 1000m equidistance anyhow).
>>> However - the following call, also returns me an empty basemap - even
>>> though there is only one input (austria splitted):
>>> c:\OpenMTBMap\maps>start /low /b /wait java -jar -Xms6000M -Xmx10300M
>>> c:\openmtbmap\mkgmap.jar --max-jobs=8 --generate-sea --latin1
>>> --precomp-sea=c:\openmtbmap\maps\sea
>>> "--style-file=c:\openmtbmap\openmtbmap_style" --nsis --index
>>> --adjust-turn-headings --add-pois-to-areas --ignore-maxspeeds
>>> --reduce-point-density=3 --x-reduce-point-density-polygon=6
>>> --x-housenumbers --remove-short-arcs=5.4 --link-pois-to-ways
>>> --ignore-turn-restrictions --min-size-polygon=12
>>> --description=openmtbmap_at --show-profiles=1
>>> --location-autofill=bounds,is_in,nearest
>>> --bounds=c:\openmtbmap\maps\bounds --route --country-abbr=at
>>> --country-name=austria --mapname=63650000 --family-id=6365
>>> --product-id=1 --series-name=openmtbmap_austria_06.05.2013
>>> --family-name=mtbmap_at_06.05.2013 --tdbfile --overview-mapname=mapsetc
>>> --keep-going --area-name="austria_06.05.2013_openmtbmap.org" -c
>>> c:\openmtbmap\maps\template.austria
>>> On 06.05.2013 15:01, GerdP wrote:
>>>> Hi Felix,
>>>> it's ant clean, not clear.
>>>> reg. the error message: I have to find a way to handle this. The 
>>>> program
>>>> wants either all files with an *_ovm.img or none, and all *_ovm.img
>>>> should
>>>> have the same levels, else this error is triggered.
>>>> The problem is that the overview builder doesn't know the style 
>>>> that was
>>>> used to create the *.img files,
>>>> esp. not if multiple styles were used. So I decided to read the levels
>>>> from
>>>> the first *_ovm.img file
>>>> and use it for the overview map. This doesn't work if not all files 
>>>> come
>>>> with a *_ovm.img
>>>> Gerd
>>>> Felix Hartmann-2 wrote
>>>>> and the resulting overview map, is completly empty...
>>>>> could this be related to using besides the OSM as input, also adding
>>>>> contourlines precompiled?
>>>>> On 06.05.2013 14:39, Felix Hartmann wrote:
>>>>>> ups yes, I had a typo and did ant clear - which doesn#t exist in my
>>>>>> build file -- however I run into the following problem:
>>>>>> SEVERE (OverviewMapDataSource): invalid attempt to change map levels
>>>>>> using the following "options" file:
>>>>>> levels = 0:24, 1:22, 2:21, 3:20, 4:19, 5:18
>>>>>> overview-levels = 6:17, 7:16, 8:14
>>>>>> On 06.05.2013 14:10, GerdP wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Felix,
>>>>>>> did you compile from source? If yes, please try ant clean first.
>>>>>>> Gerd
>>>>>>> Felix Hartmann-2 wrote
>>>>>>>> for a conservative approach - yes. Though I think adding 
>>>>>>>> resolution
>>>>>>>> 17
>>>>>>>> to the overview map, would be quite good (don't know if for 
>>>>>>>> Asia or
>>>>>>>> Europe continent maps however, the overview map would become 
>>>>>>>> too big
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> fail to compile).
>>>>>>>> On 06.05.2013 13:53, GerdP wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Felix,
>>>>>>>>> so you suggest  this?
>>>>>>>>> levels = 0:24, 1:22, 2:20, 3:18
>>>>>>>>> overview-levels = 4:16, 5:14
>>>>>>>>> Gerd
>>>>>>>> BTW - I have a problem with the overview branch - and my style
>>>>>>>> (didn't
>>>>>>>> try default one yet):
>>>>>>>> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.build.LocatorUtil.getNameTags(Luk/me/parabola/util/EnhancedProperties;)Ljava/util/List;
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.reader.osm.LinkDestinationHook.init(LinkDestinationHook.java:64)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.reader.osm.OsmMapDataSource.pluginChain(OsmMapDataSource.java:182)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.reader.osm.OsmMapDataSource.setupHandler(OsmMapDataSource.java:150)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.reader.osm.bin.OsmBinMapDataSource.load(OsmBinMapDataSource.java:49)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.reader.osm.OsmMapDataSource.load(OsmMapDataSource.java:124)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.MapMaker.loadFromFile(MapMaker.java:155) 
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.MapMaker.makeMap(MapMaker.java:57)
>>>>>>>>             at 
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.Main$1.call(Main.java:234)
>>>>>>>>             at 
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.Main$1.call(Main.java:231)
>>>>>>>>             at 
>>>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown
>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>             at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown
>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown
>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>>             at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>>>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.build.LocatorUtil.getNameTags(Luk/me/parabola/util/EnhancedProperties;)Ljava/util/List;
>>>>>>>>             at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.build.Locator.
>>> <init>
>>>>>>>> (Locator.java:51)
>>>>>>>>             at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.build.Locator.
>>> <init>
>>>>>>>> (Locator.java:47)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.build.MapBuilder.
>>> <init>
>>>>>>>> (MapBuilder.java:146)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.combiners.OverviewBuilder.writeOverviewMap(OverviewBuilder.java:91)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.combiners.OverviewBuilder.onFinish(OverviewBuilder.java:84)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.Main.endOptions(Main.java:536)
>>>>>>>>             at
>>>>>>>> uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.CommandArgsReader.readArgs(CommandArgsReader.java:128)
>>>>>>>>             at uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.Main.main(Main.java:119)
>>>>>>>>> Felix Hartmann-2 wrote
>>>>>>>>>> oh, and I would suppose a "," comma is missing too!
>>>>>>>>>> On 06.05.2013 13:46, GerdP wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Felix,
>>>>>>>>>>> yes, it was a typo. I tested with different values. I have no
>>>>>>>>>>> preference
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> no experience,
>>>>>>>>>>> so I'd be happy to hear proposals.
>>>>>>>>>>> Gerd
>>>>>>>>>>> Felix Hartmann-2 wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there a typo in the options file?
>>>>>>>>>>>> "overview-levels = 5:16 6:18"
>>>>>>>>>>>> shouldn't that be 5:16 6:14 ???
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think that if the numbering continues, further levels 
>>>>>>>>>>>> should be
>>>>>>>>>>>> decreasing resolution. So if 18 and 16 should be used in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> overview
>>>>>>>>>>>> map (but why have 17 then as normal map resolution??):
>>>>>>>>>>>> it should read "5:18 6:16" -- However I thought overlapping
>>>>>>>>>>>> resolutions
>>>>>>>>>>>> is not good form (actually dunno what happens).
>>>>>>>>>>>> IMHO 5:16 6:14 is quite good as conservative value. (continent
>>>>>>>>>>>> maps).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe we should even move to 4:17 5:16 6:14 in the overview 
>>>>>>>>>>>> map
>>>>>>>>>>>> (and
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0-3
>>>>>>>>>>>> in the normal map)...
>>>>>>>>>>>> As for the routable basemap on newer garmin GPS. Maybe we 
>>>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>>>> create
>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>> non routable mkgmap created basemap and recommend people to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> instead?
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