On Sun, Mar 09, WanMil wrote:

>> Hi,
>> On Sun, Mar 09, WanMil wrote:
>>> Hi Thorsten,
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was wondering why I couldn't find sometimes addresses even
>>>> if they where entered correct in OSM.
>>>> By pure luck I found now the reason, it looks like if a way
>>>> has the tag "cycleway=opposite", the address information is
>>>> put on the wrong way.
>>>> Look at Sandwall 17 or 19 in Wyk auf Foehr
>>>> (http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/54.68666/8.56960)
>>>> With my own and with the default mkgmap style, you will not find
>>>> the address with "Sandwall 17", but with "Sandwall (Cycleway) 17".
>>>> I think for address search, the "(Cylceway)" streets should be ignored.
>>> it's up to you to ignore the cycleway:
>>> matching of nodes/polygons with house numbers are performed by evaluating
>>> the mkgmap:street tag of the road. So you can exclude all cycleways by
>>> removing or not setting the mkgmap:street tag on them.
>> Hm, how does this work then? My understanding was, that you
>> take the addr:street tag and compare them with the road name.
>> But "Sandwall (Cycleway)" is for me not identical to "Sandwall"
>> as written in addr:street?
> The road name is taken from the tag mkgmap:street in contrary to 
> mkgmap:label:1 used to assign the first displayed label and used for 
> address search.

The following rule fixed it for me:
highway=* & name=* & (name='cycleway' | name ~ '.*(cycleway).*')
        {delete mkgmap:street}

but I still think there is a bug in mkgmap.

name='Sandwall (cycleway)'
mkgmap:street='Sandwall (cycleway)'

addr:street does neither match name nor mkgmap:street, so
why is "Sandwall (cycleway)" choosen for address search and
not "Sandwall" itself?


Thorsten Kukuk, Senior Architect SLES & Common Code Base
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg
GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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