On Mon, Mar 10, WanMil wrote:

> mkgmap:street is only used for house number matching while compiling the 
> maps.

That's clear, and that's why I don't understand why mkgmap
matches addr:street="Sandwall" with mkgmap:street="Sandwall (cycleway)"
and not mkgmap:street="Sandwall" when creating the address index.

Or more precise:

I have several POIs with

and I have two streets:
A: mkgmap:street="Sandwall"
B: mkgmap:street="Sandwall (cycleway)"

where B is created by mkgmap because of "cycleway=opposite".

mkgmap is using B to match the POIs and adds
"Sandwall (cycleway) XY" to the address index.
But I would expcet that "Sandwall XY" is added to the address index.

The whole problem is: why is mkgmap choosing a mkgmap:street entry which
does not match?

I have a way called "Sandwall", this name is added to mkgmap:street.
I have several POIs with addr:street "Sandwall" and a housenumber.
Searching for "Sandwall XY" will not lead to any search result, only
"Sandwall (cycleway) XY" will. 

> Address search is a different thing. AFAIK address search on the Garmin 
> units searches for all labels assigned to the roads. So if the name tag is 
> assigned to the first label and the other labels are not set you can only 
> search for "Sandwall (cycleway)".

This would make sense if there is only a road with "Sandwall (cycleway)".
But I have a road "Sandwall".

> Once again it's up to you to assign the other labels so that they are also 
> used by address search:
> mkgmap:street=* { addlabel "${mkgmap:street}" }
> addr:street=* { addlabel "${addr:street}" }
> ...

Sorry, but I don't understand how this rules should fix anything:
mkgmap:street is already identical to "name", so now I set it a
second time to another mkgmap:label:N, too. Ok.

Means I have for way A:

And for way B:
mkgmap:label:1="Sandwall (cycleway)"
mkgmap:label:2="Sandwall (cycleway)"

I don't see how this should solve the problem.

And for what should the addr:street assignement be good?
If the street will be processed, I don't have a addr:street tag.
That's always empty.

Thorsten Kukuk, Senior Architect SLES & Common Code Base
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg
GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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