Hi Gerd

> just to make sure:
> your style creates two lines for one OSM way, they have different
> types, but both below 0x3f,

Well, it doesnt happen if 0x02 is replaced by 0x31. I think it only happens 
with "standard" routable line types (0x01-0x13, 0x16, 0x1a,0x1b) but i havent 
tested them all

> and one has road speed/class , the other has not.
> Which one come first?

The ones with routing parameters come first. After this I handle the cycle 
routes with line 0x02 to make sure they are always rendered on top (on all GPS 
devices). I always needed to put on 0x02 routing parameters too because of this 
issue. I thought I might give it a try to remove them, but it seems the issue 
is still the case.

> I think when it causes problems, we should try to find a better
> solution or print a warning.

A warning would be fine, in case multiple routable lines are detected.
If that's too complicated, I would suggest to print the old warning only with 
"Non-routable way with routable type 0x.. starting at ... is used for a 
routable map. 
This can lead to routing errors if multiple routable lines on this way are 

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