
many thanks..... I think I got the point:

 * splitter fails on a wrong bounds tag.... if that one would be absent
   it would check real bounds according existing nodes.
 * osmconvert doesn't read out that wrong tag (else it would be the
   'wrong bounds' too) but just reports bounds according to existing nodes

It might be an option to have an '--override-bounds' or '--ignore-bounds' argument for splitter for the future, but I completely agree: the data should be fixed at the source, at geofabrik...
... fixing the tools isn't the right solution for this... ;-)

I've learnt again something about these files, and the behaviour of the different tools around them, thanks for teaching me, really appreciated....

Cheers Patrik

On 20.10.2014 10:16, Gerd Petermann wrote:
Hi Patrik,

I have checked the data from geofabrik. The invalid (?)
bounds tag really is in the data (also in the *.osm.bz2 file)

I am not sure what to do with this.
I can change splitter to ignore invalid bounds,
but I think you should contact the guys at geofabrik
to correct the data.

Regarding the differences in the reported min/max values:
osmconvert reports correct values, the values reported by splitter
in the line starting ""Exact map coverage is "
depend on the bounds tag. If (valid) bounds were found,
they are used, if not, splitter also reports (and uses)
the real min/max values found in the nodes.


> Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 15:58:02 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [mkgmap-dev] Problem with splitter r412: invalid bbox area in pbf file
> Gents,
> We run into a problem with the splitter about invalid bbox area in pbf
> file throwing the following error:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid bbox area in pbf file:
> (49.808900356292725,-179.95320081710815) to
> (73.79793405532837,180.00049352645874)
> But this is sort of strange as osmconvert tells me different values for
> the bbox. Additionally it has to be said that another file containing a
> larger area (while containing the complete dataset of the file that
> causes the trouble) works without troubles with the same call of
> splitter and the same set of precompiled sea files and so on...
> Any help/comments would be appreciated....
> More Details:
> ============================================================
> The file triggering the problem:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> And here the call and the output of the splitter:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> java -Xmx1536M -jar
> /home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/tools/splitter/splitter.jar
> --max-threads=2
> --geonames-file=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/cities/
> --no-trim
> --precomp-sea=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/sea
> --keep-complete=true --mapid=98600001 --max-nodes=800000 --output=xml
> --output-dir=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA > /home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA.osm.pbf
> Splitter version 412 compiled 2014-06-21T13:47:04+0100
> boundary-tags=use-exclude-list
> cache=
> description=
> geonames-file=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/cities/
> keep-complete=true
> mapid=98600001
> max-areas=512
> max-nodes=800000
> max-threads=2
> mixed=false
> no-trim=true
> num-tiles=
> output=xml
> output-dir=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA
> overlap=auto
> polygon-desc-file=
> polygon-file=
> precomp-sea=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/sea
> problem-file=
> problem-report=
> resolution=13
> search-limit=200000
> split-file=
> status-freq=120
> stop-after=dist
> write-kml=
> Elapsed time: 0s Memory: Current 479MB (5MB used, 474MB free) Max 1365MB
> Time started: Sun Oct 19 15:28:09 CEST 2014
> Map is being split for resolution 13:
> - area boundaries are aligned to 0x800 map units (0.0439453125 degrees)
> - areas are multiples of 0x800 map units wide and high
> Processing
> /home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA.osm.pbf
> Bounding box -179.9532 49.8089 180.00050000000002 73.79794000000001
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid bbox area in pbf file:
> (49.808900356292725,-179.95320081710815) to
> (73.79793405532837,180.00049352645874)
> at
> at crosby.binary.BinaryParser.handleBlock(Unknown Source)
> at crosby.binary.file.FileBlock.process(Unknown Source)
> at crosby.binary.file.BlockInputStream.process(Unknown Source)
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> ERROR: file
> /home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA.osm.pbf
> contains unexpected data
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> osmconvert output containing the statistics about the file
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> tools/osmconvert/linux/osmconvert32
> work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA.osm.pbf
> --out-statistics
> timestamp min: 2007-06-05T03:23:59Z
> timestamp max: 2014-10-18T11:48:05Z
> lon min: -180.0000000
> lon max: -122.5122521
> lat min: 48.6234931
> lat max: 71.6048217
> nodes: 4028420
> ways: 171349
> relations: 1803
> node id min: 27207079
> node id max: 3136662460
> way id min: 4708608
> way id max: 308379297
> relation id min: 13971
> relation id max: 4116925
> keyval pairs max: 302
> keyval pairs max object: relation 60189
> noderefs max: 2000
> noderefs max object: way 42394334
> relrefs max: 739
> relrefs max object: relation 3337277
> File not causing any troubles (us-pacific, superset of ALASKA):
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> splitter 'bounds' running against us-pacific file: part of the output
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ...
> Exact map coverage is (15.920970439910889,-179.99648094177246) to
> (72.98844337463379,-129.79979753494263)
> Rounded map coverage is (15.908203125,-180.0) to
> (72.9931640625,-129.7705078125)
> ...
> Output of the osmconvert running against us-pacific file
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> tools/osmconvert/linux/osmconvert32
> work/Freizeitkarte_US_PACIFIC/Kartendaten_Freizeitkarte_US_PACIFIC.osm.pbf
> --out-statistics
> timestamp min: 2006-12-08T15:49:14Z
> timestamp max: 2014-10-18T18:10:31Z
> lon min: -180.0000000
> lon max: -122.5122521
> lat min: 15.5631200
> lat max: 71.6048217
> nodes: 4906880
> ways: 233739
> relations: 2417
> node id min: 21442033
> node id max: 3136662460
> way id min: 4045672
> way id max: 308379297
> relation id min: 13971
> relation id max: 4116925
> keyval pairs max: 302
> keyval pairs max object: relation 60189
> noderefs max: 2000
> noderefs max object: way 42394334
> relrefs max: 739
> relrefs max object: relation 3337277
> Many thanks already in advance...
> Patrik
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