
I did a quick test with success:

 * using osmconvert to get *.osm file
 * removed the 'wrong' bounds tag
 * using osmconvert to convert back to *.pbf file
 * running splitter with success

I will contact geofabrik guys.... many thanks again.


On 20.10.2014 10:28, Patrik Brunner wrote:

many thanks..... I think I got the point:

  * splitter fails on a wrong bounds tag.... if that one would be
    absent it would check real bounds according existing nodes.
  * osmconvert doesn't read out that wrong tag (else it would be the
    'wrong bounds' too) but just reports bounds according to existing

It might be an option to have an '--override-bounds' or '--ignore-bounds' argument for splitter for the future, but I completely agree: the data should be fixed at the source, at geofabrik...
... fixing the tools isn't the right solution for this... ;-)

I've learnt again something about these files, and the behaviour of the different tools around them, thanks for teaching me, really appreciated....

Cheers Patrik

On 20.10.2014 10:16, Gerd Petermann wrote:
Hi Patrik,

I have checked the data from geofabrik. The invalid (?)
bounds tag really is in the data (also in the *.osm.bz2 file)

I am not sure what to do with this.
I can change splitter to ignore invalid bounds,
but I think you should contact the guys at geofabrik
to correct the data.

Regarding the differences in the reported min/max values:
osmconvert reports correct values, the values reported by splitter
in the line starting ""Exact map coverage is "
depend on the bounds tag. If (valid) bounds were found,
they are used, if not, splitter also reports (and uses)
the real min/max values found in the nodes.


> Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 15:58:02 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [mkgmap-dev] Problem with splitter r412: invalid bbox area in pbf file
> Gents,
> We run into a problem with the splitter about invalid bbox area in pbf
> file throwing the following error:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid bbox area in pbf file:
> (49.808900356292725,-179.95320081710815) to
> (73.79793405532837,180.00049352645874)
> But this is sort of strange as osmconvert tells me different values for > the bbox. Additionally it has to be said that another file containing a
> larger area (while containing the complete dataset of the file that
> causes the trouble) works without troubles with the same call of
> splitter and the same set of precompiled sea files and so on...
> Any help/comments would be appreciated....
> More Details:
> ============================================================
> The file triggering the problem:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> And here the call and the output of the splitter:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> java -Xmx1536M -jar
> /home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/tools/splitter/splitter.jar
> --max-threads=2
> --geonames-file=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/cities/
> --no-trim
> --precomp-sea=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/sea
> --keep-complete=true --mapid=98600001 --max-nodes=800000 --output=xml
> --output-dir=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA > /home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA.osm.pbf
> Splitter version 412 compiled 2014-06-21T13:47:04+0100
> boundary-tags=use-exclude-list
> cache=
> description=
> geonames-file=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/cities/
> keep-complete=true
> mapid=98600001
> max-areas=512
> max-nodes=800000
> max-threads=2
> mixed=false
> no-trim=true
> num-tiles=
> output=xml
> output-dir=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA
> overlap=auto
> polygon-desc-file=
> polygon-file=
> precomp-sea=/home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/sea
> problem-file=
> problem-report=
> resolution=13
> search-limit=200000
> split-file=
> status-freq=120
> stop-after=dist
> write-kml=
> Elapsed time: 0s Memory: Current 479MB (5MB used, 474MB free) Max 1365MB
> Time started: Sun Oct 19 15:28:09 CEST 2014
> Map is being split for resolution 13:
> - area boundaries are aligned to 0x800 map units (0.0439453125 degrees)
> - areas are multiples of 0x800 map units wide and high
> Processing
> /home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA.osm.pbf
> Bounding box -179.9532 49.8089 180.00050000000002 73.79794000000001
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid bbox area in pbf file:
> (49.808900356292725,-179.95320081710815) to
> (73.79793405532837,180.00049352645874)
> at
> at crosby.binary.BinaryParser.handleBlock(Unknown Source)
> at crosby.binary.file.FileBlock.process(Unknown Source)
> at crosby.binary.file.BlockInputStream.process(Unknown Source)
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> ERROR: file
> /home/pab/develop/fzk-mde-garmin/Freizeitkarte-Entwicklung/work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA.osm.pbf
> contains unexpected data
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> osmconvert output containing the statistics about the file
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> tools/osmconvert/linux/osmconvert32
> work/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA/Freizeitkarte_US_ALASKA.osm.pbf
> --out-statistics
> timestamp min: 2007-06-05T03:23:59Z
> timestamp max: 2014-10-18T11:48:05Z
> lon min: -180.0000000
> lon max: -122.5122521
> lat min: 48.6234931
> lat max: 71.6048217
> nodes: 4028420
> ways: 171349
> relations: 1803
> node id min: 27207079
> node id max: 3136662460
> way id min: 4708608
> way id max: 308379297
> relation id min: 13971
> relation id max: 4116925
> keyval pairs max: 302
> keyval pairs max object: relation 60189
> noderefs max: 2000
> noderefs max object: way 42394334
> relrefs max: 739
> relrefs max object: relation 3337277
> File not causing any troubles (us-pacific, superset of ALASKA):
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> splitter 'bounds' running against us-pacific file: part of the output
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ...
> Exact map coverage is (15.920970439910889,-179.99648094177246) to
> (72.98844337463379,-129.79979753494263)
> Rounded map coverage is (15.908203125,-180.0) to
> (72.9931640625,-129.7705078125)
> ...
> Output of the osmconvert running against us-pacific file
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> tools/osmconvert/linux/osmconvert32
> work/Freizeitkarte_US_PACIFIC/Kartendaten_Freizeitkarte_US_PACIFIC.osm.pbf
> --out-statistics
> timestamp min: 2006-12-08T15:49:14Z
> timestamp max: 2014-10-18T18:10:31Z
> lon min: -180.0000000
> lon max: -122.5122521
> lat min: 15.5631200
> lat max: 71.6048217
> nodes: 4906880
> ways: 233739
> relations: 2417
> node id min: 21442033
> node id max: 3136662460
> way id min: 4045672
> way id max: 308379297
> relation id min: 13971
> relation id max: 4116925
> keyval pairs max: 302
> keyval pairs max object: relation 60189
> noderefs max: 2000
> noderefs max object: way 42394334
> relrefs max: 739
> relrefs max object: relation 3337277
> Many thanks already in advance...
> Patrik
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